
(and not-so-recent news)

May 2022: Excited to attend CHI (virtually) and present my work on workers’ experiences with privacy and surveillance in the gig economy.

April 2022: I’m co-organizing the Workshop on Inclusive Privacy and Security at Usenix SOUPS, and I served as AC for DIS2022.

Jan 2022: New year, new paper! My research on creating a more inclusive gig economy was just accepted at CSCW 2022. This paper centers the experiences of workers with a wide range of disabilities across multiple forms of work, and highlights a number of challenges and stark inequalities faced by disabled workers. Pre-print soon!

Dec 2021: Ending the year with a CHI 2022 acceptance! The paper presents a cross-comparative analysis of the many privacy and surveillance issues across the gig economy (including freelancing, crowdwork, ridesharing, and delivery services). The paper also includes a set of guiding questions to help researchers, designers, regulators, and workers evaluate the privacy implications of current and future work platforms. [PDF]

July 2021: I’m excited to have been awarded a Computing Innovation Fellowship! I’ll be joining the University of Michigan School of Information as a Postdoctoral Fellow to continue my research on marginalization in the gig economy, working alongside Dr. Tawanna Dillahunt in the Social Innovation Group

June 2021: New paper published in Social Media + Society! My coauthors, Brooke Duffy, Annika Pinch, Megan Sawey, and I show how creative workers on social media face multiple, nested forms of precarity across three levels: 1) markets, 2) industries, and 3) platform features and algorithms. [Article]

March 2021: I’m excited to be co-organizing the Workshop on Inclusive Privacy at SOUPS 2021, which will explore the privacy and security needs and experiences of vulnerable user groups. 

Dec 2020: I defended my dissertation! I’m happy to say that the snake fight portion of the defense was quite fun.

Aug 2020: The paper from my internship at Microsoft Research was accepted to CSCW 2020! The paper is a deep dive into how families manage the entire range of physical and digital information involved in running a household. It was great working with my coauthors at MSR: Mihaela Vorvoreanu, Kathleen Walker, and Adam Fourney. [PDF]

June 2020: I’m so pleased and glad to have received a Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant! This funding will allow me to continue my research on a topic that is important to me: making gig platforms more inclusive for workers with chronic illnesses and/or disabilities.

May 2020: Some good news in the middle of the pandemic — I received the Anson E. Rowe Advanced Graduate Student award from the Department of Communication at Cornell, awarded based on research productivity, teaching excellence, and contribution to the communication community.

Jan 2020: My paper on how people navigate privacy violations committed by conversational agents was published in the Proceedings of the ACM (GROUP 2020)! [PDF]

Nov 2019: I’m attending the Doctoral Consortium at CSCW 2019 in Austin! Also happy that our paper on mitigating cyberbullying on social media got accepted to CSCW.

June 2019: Excited to announce that I’ll be joining Microsoft Research as a Graduate Research Intern in Seattle this month! I’ll be working with Mihaela Vorvoreanu and Adam Fourney.

May 2019: Busy month of conferencing — in Glasgow for CHI2019 and DC for ICA2019!

Jan 2019: Paper on privacy in human-agent interaction accepted at ICA 2019

Dec 2018: Two first-author papers conditionally accepted at CHI 2019! One on how privacy management functions as invisible labor on Amazon MTurk [PDF], and one on how people with invisible chronic illnesses navigate social media [PDF].

Nov 2018: At CSCW to present a poster on how people make stress-related disclosures to social agents

Aug 2018: At SOUPS to present on Privacy Lies, and to attend the Workshop on Inclusive Privacy and Security 

April 2018: A busy CHI in Montreal! Presenting a paper on Privacy Lies, a poster on privacy on MTurk, supporting a second paper on health management, and attending the CHIMe workshop 

April 2018: Back in DC to attend Technology, Mind and Society, presenting research on anonymity and privacy around health-related disclosures on Twitter

February 2018: At the U.S. Federal Trade Commission in DC, presenting research on MTurk privacy issues at PrivacyCon